Suffering with ‘treatment resistant depression’?

Depression treatment in in Fredericksburg, VA and online throughout Virginia, DC, Maryland, Maine, Florida, and Colorado.

You’re doing “all the right things” and still depressed.

It’s like you are weighed down, slowed down, stuck .

Maybe you find yourself wondering why things you used to enjoy seem pointless. You’re always exhausted. It is hard to think. Sleep is a constant frustration. You can’t stop crying or maybe you can’t remember the last time you could cry. Perhaps you’re feeling like living this way is not worth it.

Sound like you?

Struggling with overwhelming sadness or emptiness

Tired of feeling exhausted

Ready to stop dreading opening your eyes in the morning

Wishing that you could feel joy again

Here’s what we’ll do together

Therapy can help you make sense of your story and reconnect with yourself.

Telling someone they have depression is like describing something as ‘blue,’ in that it is true and, if we really want to understand the meaning deeply, inadequate.

We will start by digging into your life story, your personality, your physical health, and your lifestyle to start to create a more complex picture of how you got here and what we can do to get you back to well being.

As we create this understanding together we can start to decide which tools are most appropriate. Most people will benefit from psychotherapy, either as a primary treatment or in combination with medication. Depending on individual factors we may want to change or optimize medications, or incorporate interventions around sleep, nutrition, or physical activity.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

Past experiences don’t have to continue holding you back. By creating a collaborative, open treatment relationship we can understand your difficulties and take steps towards health.

What we’ll work on

Imagine a life where…

  • You feel a sense of enjoyment in your day to day activities.

  • Work and family life don’t feel overwhelming.

  • You’re connected and comfortable with your emotions.

  • You look forward to the future with optimism and hope.

Change is possible.

Change is possible.



  • Both! Therapy and medication can both be important tools for depression treatment. If you’re already working with a therapist that’s great! We can coordinate and I will focus on medication and lifestyle aspects of care. If you don’t have a therapist I can provide therapy and medication, if needed.

  • Many people have this experience. It’s true, some people do not benefit from medication. However, it is not common for people to have multiple trials of very similar medications, e.g. multiple SSRIs, without being offered options with different mechanisms of action.

    As a psychiatric specialist I have a broad knowledge of medication options and individual patient factors which might predict response to specific agents, which may be useful if prior medication trials have not been helpful.

  • Of course! Medication can be useful for many people, but therapy, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and social rhythms can all have major impact on depressive symptoms. We’re not locked into one paradigm or approach.